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In this section, we will show you how to create a simple Fibonacci program using the SP1 zkVM.

Create an SP1 Project

You can use the cargo prove CLI to create a new project using the cargo prove new <--bare|--evm> <name> command. The --bare option sets up a basic SP1 project for standalone zkVM programs, while --evm adds additional components including Solidity contracts for on-chain proof verification.

This command will create a new folder in your current directory which includes solidity smart contracts for onchain integration.

cargo prove new --evm fibonacci
cd fibonacci

If you use the --evm option, you will need to install foundry to compile the solidity contracts. Please follow the instructions on the official Foundry docs.

Then, you'll have to setup contracts development by running forge install in the contracts directory.

Option 2: Project Template (Solidity Contracts for Onchain Verification)

If you want to use SP1 to generate proofs that will eventually be verified on an EVM chain, you should use the SP1 project template. This Github template is scaffolded with a SP1 program, a script to generate proofs, and also a contracts folder that contains a Solidity contract that can verify SP1 proofs on any EVM chain.

Either fork the project template repository or clone it:

git clone

Project Overview

Your new project will have the following structure (ignoring the contracts folder, if you are using the project template):

├── program
│   ├── Cargo.lock
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│   └──
├── rust-toolchain
└── script
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
└── bin

6 directories, 4 files

There are 2 directories (each a crate) in the project:

  • program: the source code that will be proven inside the zkVM.
  • script: code that contains proof generation and verification code.

We recommend you install the rust-analyzer extension. Note that if you use cargo prove new inside a monorepo, you will need to add the manifest file to rust-analyzer.linkedProjects to get full IDE support.


Before we can run the program inside the zkVM, it must be compiled to a RISC-V executable using the succinct Rust toolchain. This is called an ELF (Executable and Linkable Format). To compile the program, you can run the following command:

cd program && cargo prove build

which will generate an ELF file under target/elf-compilation.

Note: the file in the script directory will use run the above command automatically to build the ELF, meaning you don't have to manually run cargo prove build every time you make a change to the program!


To test your program, you can first execute your program without generating a proof. In general this is helpful for iterating on your program and verifying that it is correct.

cd ../script
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --execute


When you are ready to generate a proof, you should run the script with the --prove flag that will generate a proof.

cd ../script
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --prove

The output should show something like this:

n: 20
2024-07-23T17:07:07.874856Z INFO prove_core:collect_checkpoints: clk = 0 pc = 0x2017e8
2024-07-23T17:07:07.876264Z INFO prove_core:collect_checkpoints: close time.busy=2.00ms time.idle=1.50µs
2024-07-23T17:07:07.913304Z INFO prove_core:shard: close time.busy=32.2ms time.idle=791ns
2024-07-23T17:07:10.724280Z INFO prove_core:commit: close time.busy=2.81s time.idle=1.25µs
2024-07-23T17:07:10.725923Z INFO prove_core:prove_checkpoint: clk = 0 pc = 0x2017e8 num=0
2024-07-23T17:07:10.729130Z INFO prove_core:prove_checkpoint: close time.busy=3.68ms time.idle=1.17µs num=0
2024-07-23T17:07:14.648146Z INFO prove_core: execution report (totals): total_cycles=9329, total_syscall_cycles=20
2024-07-23T17:07:14.648180Z INFO prove_core: execution report (opcode counts):
2024-07-23T17:07:14.648197Z INFO prove_core: 1948 add
2024-07-23T17:07:14.648277Z INFO prove_core: execution report (syscall counts):
2024-07-23T17:07:14.648408Z INFO prove_core: 8 commit
2024-07-23T17:07:14.648858Z INFO prove_core: summary: cycles=9329, e2e=9.193968459, khz=1014.69, proofSize=1419780
2024-07-23T17:07:14.653193Z INFO prove_core: close time.busy=9.20s time.idle=12.2µs
Successfully generated proof!
fib(n): 10946

The program by default is quite small, so proof generation will only take a few seconds locally. After it generates, the proof will be verified for correctness.

Note: When benchmarking proof generation times locally, it is important to note that there is a fixed overhead for proving, which means that the proof generation time for programs with a small number of cycles is not representative of the performance of larger programs (which often have better performance characteristics as the overhead is amortized across many cycles).

Please see the Recommended Workflow section for more details on how to develop your SP1 program and generate proofs.

We strongly recommend that developers who want to use SP1 for non-trivial programs generate proofs on the beta version of our Prover Network. The prover network generates SP1 proofs across multiple machines, reducing latency and also runs SP1 on optimized hardware instances that result in faster + cheaper proof generation times.

We recommend that for any production benchmarking, you use the prover network to estimate latency and costs of proof generation. We also would love to chat with your team directly to help you get started with the prover network--please fill out this form.