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Usage in CI

Getting started

You may want to use SP1 in your Github Actions CI workflow.

You first need to have Rust installed, and you can use actions-rs/toolchain for this:

- name: Install Rust Toolchain
uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
toolchain: 1.81.0
profile: default
override: true
default: true
components: llvm-tools, rustc-dev

And then you can install the SP1 toolchain:

- name: Install SP1 toolchain
run: |
curl -L | bash
~/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove --version

You might experience rate limiting from sp1up. Using a Github Personal Access Token (PAT) will help.

Try setting a github actions secret to your PAT, and then passing it into the sp1up command:

- name: Install SP1 toolchain
run: |
curl -L | bash
~/.sp1/bin/sp1up --token "${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}"
~/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove --version

Note: Installing via sp1up always installs the latest version, its recommended to use a release commit via sp1up -C <commit>.

Speeding up your CI workflow


To speed up your CI workflow, you can cache the Rust toolchain and Succinct toolchain. See this example from SP1's CI workflow, which caches the ~/.cargo and parts of the ~/.sp1 directories.

- name: rust-cache
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
~/.sp1/circuits/plonk/ # Cache these if you're generating plonk proofs with docker in CI.
~/.sp1/circuits/groth16/ # Cache these if you're generating groth16 proofs with docker in CI.
key: rust-1.81.0-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.toml') }}
restore-keys: rust-1.81.0-

runs-on for bigger instances

Since SP1 is a fairly large repository, it might be useful to use runs-on to specify a larger instance type.