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What is a zkVM?

A zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkVM) is zero-knowledge proof system that allows developers to prove the execution of arbitrary Rust (or other LLVM-compiled language) programs.

Conceptually, you can think of the SP1 zkVM as proving the evaluation of a function f(x) = y by following the steps below:

  • Define f using normal Rust code and compile it to an ELF (covered in the writing programs section).
  • Setup a proving key (pk) and verifying key (vk) for the program given the ELF.
  • Generate a proof π using the SP1 zkVM that f(x) = y with prove(pk, x).
  • Verify the proof π using verify(vk, x, y, π).

As a practical example, f could be a simple Fibonacci program. The process of generating a proof and verifying it can be seen here.

For blockchain applications, the verification usually happens inside of a smart contract.

How does SP1 Work?

At a high level, SP1 works with the following steps:

  • Write a program in Rust that defines the logic of your computation for which you want to generate a ZKP.
  • Compile the program to the RISC-V ISA (a standard Rust compilation target) using the cargo prove CLI tool (installation instructions here) and generate a RISC-V ELF file.
  • SP1 will prove the correct execution of arbitrary RISC-V programs by generating a STARK proof of execution.
  • Developers can leverage the sp1-sdk crate to generate proofs with their ELF and input data. Under the hood the sp1-sdk will either generate proofs locally or use a beta version of Succinct's prover network to generate proofs.

SP1 leverages performant STARK recursion that allows us to prove the execution of arbitrarily long programs and also has a STARK -> SNARK "wrapping system" that allows us to generate small SNARK proofs that can be efficiently verified on EVM chains.

Proof System

For more technical details, check out the SP1 technical note that explains our proof system in detail. In short, we use:

  • STARKs + FRI over the Baby Bear field
  • We use performant STARK recursion that allows us to prove the execution of arbitrarily long programs
  • We have a system of performant precompiles that accelerate hash functions and cryptographic signature verification that allow us to get substantial performance gains on blockchain workloads