Contract Addresses

When using SP1, we recommend using our deployed verifiers. Each contract is a SP1VerifierGateway which can automatically routes your SP1 proof to the correct verifier based on the prover version.

Chain IDChainGateway
42161Arbitrum One0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e
421614Arbitrum Sepolia0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e
534351Scroll Sepolia0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e
84532Base Sepolia0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e

Currently officially supported version of SP1 is v1.1.0. If you'd like official support for a verifier on a different chain, please ask in the SP1 Telegram.

ISP1Verifier Interface

All verifiers implement the ISP1Verifier interface.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

/// @title SP1 Verifier Interface
/// @author Succinct Labs
/// @notice This contract is the interface for the SP1 Verifier.
interface ISP1Verifier {
    /// @notice Verifies a proof with given public values and vkey.
    /// @dev It is expected that the first 4 bytes of proofBytes must match the first 4 bytes of
    /// target verifier's VERIFIER_HASH.
    /// @param programVKey The verification key for the RISC-V program.
    /// @param publicValues The public values encoded as bytes.
    /// @param proofBytes The proof of the program execution the SP1 zkVM encoded as bytes.
    function verifyProof(
        bytes32 programVKey,
        bytes calldata publicValues,
        bytes calldata proofBytes
    ) external view;